Amplify Austin – Nonprofits need your help!

For 24 hours in Central Texas (and everywhere else) you can donate to the charity of your choice through Amplify Austin. Different Austin sponsors are matching donations left and right! It’s super easy and tax deductible. Many animal welfare organizations that have done a lot to make Austin a no-kill city are on the list.

Emancipet works to provide low and no cost spay and neuter services along with preventative veterinary care from the mobile units deployed in Austin’s underprivileged neighborhoods. Just $25 helps cover lifesaving vaccinations for one pet and $65 helps cover the cost of a spay/neuter surgery.

Austin Pets Alive! takes in animals and works to foster and adopt them all to homes at events all over towns. They were critical in helping all the pets displaced from the Bastrop wildfires last year and they have really done amazing things to make Austin no-kill.

There are tons of other shelters on the list including Animal Trustees of Austin, Austin Humane Society so check out the whole list.

Also, seeing as this is Texas, Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas is constantly losing funding from the government, The Texas Legislature eliminated funding for women’s health–including cancer screenings, HIV tests, and birth control at Planned Parenthood’s E. 7th St. health center. Planned Parenthood has done so much to help nearly every woman that I know with low cost women’s reproductive services that I can’t help but mention them as well.

Please donate! Every little bit helps!

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