I used to live in Olympia Washington. Then I thought about moving to Portland along with a lot of my friends. Then I did other stuff instead. So now Portland is like the path not taken and I spend the whole time thinking about that. I wonder if I had moved to Portland if I still would have become vegan? Would I still live with beagles? Would I be famous for having sexual relations with the president? Would I have become a world class figure skater? We’ll never know. It was really exciting to see all of my friends. I went to Olympia and ate at Le Voyer. I couldn’t believe how everything there seemed to be exactly the same. It was as close to time traveling as I will ever get since the only thing that felt different was me. I laughed out loud when it started raining. It is a special kind of rain in Olympia that I can’t describe. My friend Jen and I drove through the mountains to the Gorge at George Washington.
We camped
and we built a fort
and we saw a really good band.
Then we raced across Washington so some asshole named Thor could refuse me passage on a train and we drove back to Portland. We got doughnutsmine was so cute!
I stayed with my friend Hannah
and my friends came up from Idahoand we decided to make sandwiches. A lot of sandwiches.
then we went to a park and ate the sandwiches
nate loved his sandwich so much he couldn’t believe it. ryan also loves sandwiches but could still conversate while eating
Steve’s sandwich tried to kill him
Hannah destroyed her sandwichLook at the muscles Nate used to attack his sandwich
After that some people got in the raging river
Others hung out looking manly
and then there was Ryan
I invited Kevin and Carrie to go with us to the sandwich picnic but they couldn’t come because Carrie is a celiac and can’t eat sandwiches. I felt really bad because I kept saying the word sandwiches over and over again not realizing that I was probably terrorizing her. Like if someone kept asking me to go to a hog roast and when I declined they kept mentioning different ways they were gonna cook the pig. They still let me stay at there house and play with their psychotically adorable kitties
and they took me to Blossoming Lotus where I finally got to try soy curls. Hey Wheatsville, get your act together and get some motherforkin soy curls they are delicious, nutritious, cheap, and gluten free.
I bought some later in on in the week at Food Fight in the vegan strip mall. I bought a lot of food that day and then I couldn’t walk home because I was too full. That was after I stayed with Claire and Jason who took me to a bar because they know I enjoy drinking.
We also went to the Bay leaf restaurant because we do enjoy eating. I ate lots of stuff there that was good and all their garnishes looked like little critters. The mango tofu was the best.
and Claire and Jason got the tea which was outstanding!
I think I had biscuits and gravy three times on the trip, that is something you can’t get here unless you make it yourself.
Overall I mostly cooked with friends at home instead of going out. It was fun because their kitchens were approximately 40 degrees cooler than mine and it is really neat to cook on a stove that doesn’t slope. And we got to go to a lot of grocery stores and I got to see Sharif dance in the store to “What a Feelin“
I love you Pacific Northwest! I love your trees and your rivers, your spring enhanced dance floors, your efficient public transportation, your people, your smurf like society, and your vegan bars and vegan breakfast spots. I’ll be back after I get warmed up.