Tag Archives: valentine’s day austin

Valentine’s Day is coming it is practically here!

I think Valentine’s Day is probably the top day for couples to go out to eat which is probably why I like to stay home. There are other advantages to staying in as well and I do like to cook ridiculous over the top meals whenever possible. I’m not going to say what I am making this year because it is top secret.

If you do like to be wined and dined there are a couple of fabulous options. First, Sue Purr the fabulous chef behind the trailer Counter Culture is cooking a candlelit diner for two at the Spiderhouse Ballroom. The menu is all gluten free and it sounds fantastic! The 40 dollar charge includes a bottle of wine and they are going to have bands as well so it should be really fun. The 4 course menu sounds fantastic so if you want to go stop by Counter Culture and sign up stat because I bet it will sell out shortly.

If you prefer to dine with hippies and their ilk Casa de Luz is also having a Valentine’s day special meal although they are still working out the details. You can check their site , they assured me the menu will be posted soon. Casa de Luz is being threatened with closure from the city over parking issues so if you haven’t yet please join the cause on facebook and write some letters if you have time.

The Steeping Room at the Domain has lovely sounding prix fixe menu

If you are looking for sweet treats Sugar Mama’s is doing customizable cupcakes but you better get your order in quick! They will have also be serving walkins all day for those that haven’t exactly been planning.

Iggie’s Texitarian is selling chocolate covered strawberries that sound really perfect.

Finally, Toy Joy is doing a special chocolate covered strawberry shake that I can’t stop thinking about so I will certainly be trying that this weekend.

If you have any other tips let me know!

