Tag Archives: Sweet Potato

Reason 337 that I have the best boyfriend

He came up with that title after I took a picture of this meal he made for me last night.

I have had a tough week, all of my staff has suffered major tragedies, baker smurf got hit by a truck on his bike on his way to work and broke his clavicle, sleepy smurf had a hit and run, acupuncturist smurf has been really sick for about a month with symptoms of pneumonia but no access to Western Medicine, and chatterbox smurf”s house burned down. I spent the entire rush hour driving and running errands, when I got home I was so stressed out that Mr. Smurf made me dinner while I drank delicious beer and cuddled with puppies.

I have wanted to make this meal since I got the book. It is chipotle spiced black-eyed peas that are cooked with some other aromatics and spices, served on top of maple mashed sweet potatoes, and steamed collard greens. This is one of the greatest super healthy meals I have ever had! It tasted decadent and flavorful and comforting. I love sweet mixed with spicy which is kind of the theme of a lot of recipes in Get It Ripe. Collard greens, black-eyed peas, and sweet potatoes are some of my favorite foods as well and they are all very nutritious. I also liked that everything was a whole food and lots of greens were involved. Another thing that I appreciate about this book is that the serving sizes are very accurate for us. In the Veganomicon and other books usually things that say four servings aren’t true since Mr. Smurf will easily eat 2+ servings. Get it Ripe is accurate for us, though, which is great because that way the recipes yield leftovers for lunch the next day, which I love. So thank you Jae for writing the cookbook and Dan for making the meal! If you have the book you should try it, or better yet, get someone who loves you to make it for you.


VeganMoFo- Sweet Potato Quesadillas

I saw a bumper sticker this morning that said “Rock out with your Guac out!” and I laughed because it reminded me of the wonderful dinner that I had last night.

I was starving when I got home and wanted to make dinner as quickly as possible. Luckily I had a sweet potato that was already baked in the fridge and some avocados that were sitting in the window and finally perfectly ripe.

I sauteed some sweet peppers, a jalapeno, and a lot of garlic on the stove while I made some guacamole to tide me over. Then I added black soy beans, chopped swiss chard and frozen corn and cooked for another 3 minutes. Then I added the mashed sweet potato, salt, pepper, and lime and I would have added cilantro and olives but I didn’t have any! That really shows how desperate my need is to go shopping.

Then I wiped out the pan, rubbed a tortialla with oil and put in a quarter of the mixture, shaped into a half moon and then fried while I formed the next one. They both fit into the pan and took just a couple minutes to get crispy on each side while I cleaned up the area. I can’t even explain how tasty these were. I liked them much better than the cheese ones that I used to make back in my college days. The whole process took about 15 minutes, used one pan, and was relatively healthy (Swiss Chard!) and super tasty. The leftovers were formed into a burrito and eaten cold by yours truly seconds ago for a very delectable lunch.

I assumed that “Quesadillas” meant something cheesy so I looked it up in Wikipedia. I found that

The word comes from Spanish, and literally means “little cheesy thing” (from queso, or “cheese”, + ada, an adjectival suffix, + illa, a diminutive suffix).

I looked up sweet potato thinking I could make a cool new Spanish vegan word and found it translates like this

sweet potato~ potato sustantivo
boniato m, batata f, camote m (Andes, Méx);

So I am at a loss for what to call it. Batatadilla? Pequeño Potato Sustantivo? If any of you speak any Spanish and have any ideas please post them!