Tag Archives: Jalapeño Popper Dip

Sunny Days in Texas: Jalapeño Popper Dip

For Veganmofo this year my theme was to cook every recipe in the Sunny Days in Texas benefit zine but it turns out that I am going to have to slightly alter my plan. Instead of cooking every recipe I am going to try and eat every recipe. And this time it isn’t just because I am hungry AND lazy but because I have a stupid injury that makes both standing and walking very painful. Who knew standing and walking were so important anyway? Not me! I would have thought laying around all summer watching Star Trek on Netflix missing a ton of work sounded like paradise…. until I tried it. First of all, Voyager kind of sucks and not being able to cook for yourself or shop without riding one of those electronic scooters makes life super depressing. Things are getting better though now, Deep Space Nine and the Wonder Years were both added to streaming this week and I can get around a little bit better so I do plan to do some cooking.

The first recipe I want to tell you about that I tried in the zine comes from Kristen Blackmore who blogs over at the noochy noodle and has a lovely shop with her knitted vegan clothing line (I really really want this hat). When I first read about the Jalapeño Popper Dip I was so excited because it sounded like the laziest way ever to get your jalapeño popper cravings satisfied since, as far as I know, there isn’t a vegan frozen version on the market. It turned out my friend Hannah was maybe even more excited to try the recipe (or at least less of a slacker) because she was the very first person to buy the zine. She immediately wanted to try the dip for a party. By the time I got there, what you see on the plate in the picture was all that remained and only because Hannah had stashed it away for me, I had to take the picture fast! People gobbled it up and then started asking me for more and I pulled the zines to show them how they could make it themselves like I had planned it that way.

If you have enjoyed poppers in the past I promise you would love this recipe. The creamy cashew based filling is just delectable with the hot jalapeños and then the bread crumbs on the top created the satisfying crunchy contrast that I desire in all food. Plus, the recipe was inspired by a trip to Sonic and the Veganomicon which is pretty much a description of my approach to food.