Tag Archives: ganesh jr

My Ceramic Creatures

Over the summer I got to take a ceramics class with a wonderful teacher, Judith Simonds, and I really enjoyed it and I learned a lot. My pieces are finally all done and graded and I wanted to post them because I am just so proud! I took pictures of them today out at Laguna Gloria and I think they turned out really nice. Our first assignment was to recreate and ancient sculpture and I fell in love with this old Ganesh statue from Sri Lanka that now sits in a museum in Vietnam. I thought it was going to be really easy. It was not, but I love how he turned out! I think this is my favorite picture.Our next assignment was to envision the first sculpture so I made a Ganesh Jr., who kind of ended up looking like fetal Ganesha because he has the tiniest little legs and arms. Then the last assignment was to make a zoomorphic vessel. I really need a piggy bank because we always have change all over the place and I was inspired by pictures of pygmy hippos that I decided to do a Pygmy Bank.If you want to see more pictures there are some on my flickr page. All the pieces are really big and I am excited to bring them all home, they have been in my office for the last few weeks. (PS I got an A in the class wahoo!


Later I got home and Dinger started furiously barking at the sculptures, I got just a little bit of it filmed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGXZUyFj-no