Where to eat vegan Thankgiving in Austin

It happens every year, as we get closer and closer to the big tofurkey day I want to eat everything smothered in gravy. I get disappointed when I don’t see cranberry sauce, and visions of stuffing start to dance in my head. I’ve adored thanksgiving food since I was teeny tiny and I love how in Austin we are lucky enough to have vegan thanksgiving food again and again in November. The night before the big day, Thanksgiving Eve, Mr. Natural always does an amazing Thanksgiving plate. Throughout the whole month both Wheatsville’s will also have Thanksgiving food on the hot bar.

Meanwhile on another end of town, Counter Culture has had their fabulous Thanksgiving sandwich on the specials menu and will continue to have it until the 28th. They will also have other holiday specials throughout the month so stay tuned to their facebook.

If you are looking to purchase meals for Thanksgiving Day, Sue will also be preparing Thanksgiving to-go boxes that include a tempeh loaf & green bean casserole. More info and sign ups here. Orders must be placed by 5pm, Monday, 11/25.

Inge, the Happy Vegan Baker also will also put together a meal for you and they have a whole array of items to choose from to create a 100% hassle free feast. She does pot pies or stuffed acorn squash for the main course and Inge’s whole menu can be made with accommodations for dietary restrictions. She also has Pumpkin Cheesecake and Maple Pecan Pie! Sign up by 11/25.

Mr. Natural and Wheatsville will also sell you whatever you need, they both have extensive vegan menus to choose from. On November 23 both Wheatsville locations will be holding “A Taste of Thanksgiving” where you can sample everything they will be selling. Lately I have been buying their orange cranberry sauce and maybe a couple of other items if I don’t want to cook for days.

Even though I think all those places are serving awesome pumpkin pie I’ll be ordering mine from Capital City Bakery. This year they are selling pumpkin, pecan, apple, chocolate cream, and sweet potato pies. On November 23rd at 12pm they will be doing FREE Thanksgiving pie samples so you can see which one you like. That day a portion of their earning will be going to Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt-A-Turkey program. Their brick & mortar bakery is about to open and I am so excited!

If pie isn’t your thing Sweet Ritual has some ice cream specials including sweet potato ice cream and pumpkin! I love that now you can buy pints.

If you don’t even want to be at your house or you want to make new friends on Thanksgiving Casa de Luz will put together a harvest themed macrobiotic buffet.

I, on the other hand, will be at my house enjoying my pajamas, beagles in sweaters, and Adam Sandler’s Thanksgiving song as we do every year. I haven’t decided what to make yet but I did put together a pinterest board of all my favorite recipes. Be warned that clicking that link on an empty stomach may cause hunger pangs. If I am feeling adventurous I am either going to do Meet the Shannon’s Beer Can Tofurkey or What the Hell Does a Vegan Eat Anyway’s Stuffed Deep Fried Tofu. Otherwise I might play it safe and make the unturkey roast from Vegan Appetite. Then we will also have mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy from Vegan Diner recipes, and my favorite miso glazed brussels. I can’t wait!

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