Taco Cleanse Day 26 - The Waffle Taco + pre-order information for our zine!

The first time I read the words “waffle taco” (I believe it was on twitter via @pandawithcookie) I knew I had to check it out. Since my first trip to the Flavor Spot in Portland I’ve gone back for more many times but it never even occurred to me to make my waffle taco. I figured it could never compete with the perfection that is Portland’s own dutch taco.

Fast forward a few years to the founding days of the taco cleanse. I was meeting with the taco scientists here in Austin and we were discussing all the different tacos we could do. Knowing that fellow scientist and Taco Liberation Front writer #westagram had made waffles in the past and is an amazing cook I asked him to make us waffle tacos later in the month. While I watched his experiments on instagram I was jealous but when I finally got to try it, the dutch taco was worth the wait. In fact, I think it was even better than the flavor spot. A dutch taco is a sausage with maple cream sauce encased in a folded waffle. You know that thinspo saying “being thin feels better than any food tastes” or something? Those people have never had one of these. My level of happiness was off the freaking charts after eating it along some with some mimosas. It’s all breakfast was ever supposed to be.

The good news is, if you don’t have a Wes in your life you will now be able to make his tacos at home because the recipe is going to be in our fabulous upcoming zine! The Taco Cleanse official zine is going to have a lot more than just recipes too, there are going to be quizzes if you are wondering if taco cleansing is right for you, taco crossword puzzles, and even a forward from Vegansaurus founder Laura Beck! Pre-orders are available at Rabbit Food and we are hoping to have a whole lot to sell at the taco cleanse closing ceremony this September 29th!

We are super excited! I can’t believe the taco cleanse is almost over. My sister asked me yesterday if I still know how to use a fork and you know what, I don’t want to!


8 thoughts on “Taco Cleanse Day 26 - The Waffle Taco + pre-order information for our zine!

  1. Randi (laughfrodisiac)

    What #1: Omg the waffle taco is REAL and it involves maple and sausage????
    What #2: ZINE! You guys are making a zine? Congratulations! That is spectacular. Wow. You’re going to bring good health to sooo many people.
    You and your fellow cleansers are my gyros.

  2. vegpedlr

    I can leave the waffle taco. But a taco cleanse ‘zine!? Brilliant! How about an ebook? A bimonthly follow up? Taco cleanse boot camp? Just like a taco, the possibilities may in fact be without limits.

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