So today I got out of bed and went to weigh myself on the wii. It wouldn’t turn on cause I guess it’s broken now.

I was in a rush cause I was taking the dogs to the beagle brigade but I was all out of coffee so I went to look up a drive-thru Starbucks on the way but the Internet wasn’t working.

So I got the dogs in the car & went to the only Starbucks drive-thru I knew and waited in the long line for my soy latte. It wasn’t until I got to the dog park that I realized it was a dairy chai latte.

I got the times wrong so I missed the beagle brigade but the dogs were still super happy having a blast, until Willow twisted her ankle and I had to carry her out after 15 minutes.

Then I went back to Starbucks to get a replacement soy latte. They wanted to give me a gigantic one to apologize, but I said, no medium is fine. They gave me the gigantic one.

I put it in the cup holder…right on top of the dog leash…so when the dogs went to get out of the car coffee spilled all over the inside of the vehicle & on my bakesale flyers I was taking to the vegan potluck in the afternoon.

I got home and tried to get on the Internet company website with my phone but it wouldn’t work. I couldn’t login. So I had to call. My account was somehow all messed up with incorrect information (I’m not ryan!) so I had to sort it out.

So then I went to make the samosa stuffed baked potatoes from the veganomicon. A recipe that claims to take 20 minutes. An hour and a half later I put them in the oven. It did take a little extra time because I cut myself trying to hurry.

It was too late to go to the potluck.

I ate these samosas with my crippled dog and watched 30 Rock and that’s been my Saturday so far.

They were really tasty.


17 thoughts on “Samosas are good but everything went horribly wrong

  1. Vindaloo Tiramisu

    Thank you for making me laugh. Sounds like my kinda day. I’m glad the samosas were tasty, but I’m sorry your dog twisted her ankle, that you spilled your latte, that you cut yourself and that you missed your potluck. The other unfortunate events can be chalked up to “earth school,” but it sucks that we need to be bitch-slapped by the universe once in a while. This is why I try not to think of my personal karmic destiny to often…

  2. Jes

    Haha, I think your day needs to be bitch slapped, personally.

    At least you have all the awesome samosa potatoes for yourself-and 30 Rockin’ ain’t so bad either. Hope tomorrow is the best day ever to make up for today!! ((hugs))

  3. cameraphonevegan

    I’m sorry you had such a lousy day! Listen, about the wii…. that’s happened to me a couple times now over the years. Just unplug everything and try turning it on either many hours later, or the next day, or in a couple of days and it should be good. Good luck! I’m glad the samosas came out okay. They sound delish!

  4. Erin

    It may not have been ideal, but that still sounds like a pretty good evening to me! (It would be better with an uncrippled dog, though.)

  5. Mands

    As I read this I kept thinking “Surely nothing else can go wrong?” but it did, you poor thing! I really hope your Sunday is 100x better, hun!

  6. Cadry's Kitchen

    Oh, no! What a day! Who would have guessed that Starbucks’ attempt at a good deed would only make your day go worse! At least those samosa potatoes are delicious, and the laughs from 30 Rock had to help at least a little! I hope Sunday goes more smoothly! 😀

  7. veganinbrighton

    Oh noes! It sucks when so much stuff goes wrong but at least you had yummy food to eat & you made me laugh! I forgot to put it in my post yesterday but after having to peel all the tiny chunks of potato yesterday the back door handle snapped in half (WTH?!) as I was rushing to catch the last of the light for my food photo! Much shouting ensued as we had to find “the tools” so that I could get outside & take pic’s before it got dark & dinner got cold!

  8. urbanvegan

    So sorry. When it rains it pours 😦 But as I can see from the Lenoir post, things have gotten better 🙂 Hope the doggy is on the mend, too

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