I think french fries were one of the very first things I learned how to make, somewhere between the olive sandwich and buttered noodles. My Baba would always cook them for my sister and I when we were staying with her and I have a distinct memory of trying to recreate her methods at my Dad’s apartment in Chicago while he was out. We poured all the oil into a pot but it didn’t look like enough so we filled the rest of the pot with water. I remember looking at the pot of water with the big circle of oil in the middle and trying to stir it up so that it would mix. We lit the gas stove and threw the potatoes in and for some reason we couldn’t get them to turn into french fries, I guess we never heard that saying about oil and water.
Somehow we didn’t burn the building down and my Baba told me how to make them. Although we were out of oil to try again that day I have made french fries a lot since then. There is something really fun about deep frying even though it makes a huge mess and is pretty bad for you. I do it just a couple times a year but it seems like I meet a lot of people who are terrified of deep frying things and that you need all sorts of extra gadgets or skills. You really don’t need anything besides a lot of oil and a pot. And something to fry. State Fairs have taught us that you can fry anything but french fries are probably the easiest. I thought I would give some tips for all the deep-fried vegans out there who eat out every meal because it is one of the easiest cheapest things you can do and a great way to celebrate Independence Day because there can be fire involved and what is more American than a pile of Freedom Fries?
First cut up your potatoes in whatever shape you want and toss them into a bowl filled with water. Next, set the scene. Although I can only remember one grease fire in my life it is a good idea to grab the baking soda and have it ready or a lid for the pot you are going to use just in case. You never want to throw water on a grease fire. That is the most important thing to remember because the fire will probably just go out on its own if you don’t put water on it. Water will will cause the oil to sputter all over the place and that is how you can lose the house.
Also this is a good time to put a shirt on if you like to cook topless or an apron if you have nice clothes because some oil will probably splatter on you. If you are particularly paranoid you can also wear glasses to protect those seein’ eyes although it is unlikely the grease would take out both eyes. Probably you would just lose one and have to wear a patch. It would be really annoying to explain to people for the rest of your life how that happened though. Once when I was 12 I twisted my ankle playing ping pong and people still give me a hard time.
Next you want to fill a pot or skillet with some high temperature oil like peanut or sunflower. This is not the time for extra virgin unless you are Italian and cook everything that way. This is the time to use really cheap oil, American oil. If you have a candy thermometer you can use it to see when the oil reaches about 375. If you don’t have one just wait a couple minutes and then throw in a test fry. If it bubbles immediately you are probably all right. If it sinks and you can count how many bubbles are on it you are not ready.
Here is another important tip: after you take the potatoes out of the water dry them off with a towel. It seems like an unnecessary step BUT remember water is oil’s enemy and you don’t want to get caught in between.
Once the oil is ready gently drop in some a potion of the fries in using some sort of utensil like a fryer basket or tongs or even a fork. The key is to just place them in the oil rather than tossing them. Once they turn golden place them on some paper bags or paper towels on a baking sheet to get rid of the excess oil.Here you have a choice. You can be impatient and eat the fries or you can put the whole baking sheet in the fridge, let them cool for an hour or so and then give them a second frying in hotter oil. This is the step that separates the best restaurant fries from the worst. That and letting the fries sit out for awhile before serving. You have to eat those fries while they are still hot or no one is going to love you. And then you will be all alone with a bunch a mushy french fries wondering what the hell happened to your life. I take it back, the dog will still love you. Dogs are great that way. The best way to do it is do the first round of fries, beer batter something and fry it and then put it in the oven on warm, and then do the second french frying and serve everything together with malt vinegar.
To summarize this ridiculously verbose post:
1) Water Hates Oil
2) Deep frying is fast and easy but only if you do it right
3) soak your potatoes after chopping
4) mise en place! baking soda nearby, baking sheet with paper lining ready
5) dry the potatoes after soaking
6) fry the potatoes in batches
7) get rid of the excess oil before eating
8 ) cool for an hour
9) fry them again in hotter oil
10) Enjoy with malt vinegar and something else battered and deep fried because you don’t want to waste all that oil
11) Dispose of the oil in the trash not in the sink
If you live in Austin and you don’t want to make your own fries there is a Belgian french fry trailer downtown called Frietkot they have tons of different sauces to try and many of them are vegan.