VeganMoFo- The One Minute Nut Milk Commercial

Have you ever went to get a smoothie at a shop and been told that they only use milk or yogurt? This can be somewhat frustrating for a vegan or anyone interested in making healthy choices. I have been able to, in the past, show my smoothie maker how to make nut milk with the ingredients they already usually have.

Soaking and straining nuts to make milk is very time consuming and expensive unless you live by an almond tree.

Buying prepackaged milk can be pricey and sometimes you don’t know what other fillers and preservatives you are going to be consuming since massive companies change their recipes and their sources from time to time.

There is another way! If you have any nut butter on hand (I use raw cashew , peanut or almond butter) you can mix it in the blender with water, and other optional ingredients and you will have instant nut milk that is cheap and you can trust.

Here is the recipe based on the one from Raw Food Real World

2 heaping giant spoonfuls for of nut butter

2 cups of water

a tiny bit of salt

1 tablelsppon of agave nectar or teaspoonful of sugar (optional)

a dash of vanilla extract (optional)

The last two ingrediants should be used if you are making the milk to stand mostly on its own, like in cereal but uncessary if you need a spot of milk for a recipe, a smoothie, or too add to coffee.

I blend everything together in my magic bullet knock-off blender and use it right then. It will keep in the fridge for a day or two.


5 thoughts on “VeganMoFo- The One Minute Nut Milk Commercial

  1. culinarychick

    likes the blog!

    I’m a meat eatin’ mofo, but am interested in making some changes in my diet to include vegan products. Question:
    Can a girl make her own nut butter for this recipe if a healthy nut butter is hard to find on the shelf.

    I’m kinda liking the idea of using almond milk for my coffee, ect.

  2. culinarychick


    can I add you as a link to my website?

    I have a food website, but not exclusively all meat. I do have a few vegetarian/vegan recipes included in my recipe file. As I play around with some ingredients/ cooking methods, I’ll add more. Besides, i would like to have a little sumptin’ sumptin’ for all my readers!

  3. lazysmurf Post author

    culinarychick-of course you can link. You can make your own nut butter but you need a serious grinder or high powered blender like a vitamix as far as I know.

    If you have a health food store nearby you can can usually grind your own from straight up nuts and that is the cheaper way to go.

    I always use almong milk in my coffee its so good.

  4. kimmykokonut

    I love the lazy version! I usually don’t make almond milk because of all the straining but I found cashew and pumpkin seed milk doesn’t need to be strained or soaked if you use warm/hot water. But your method is much quicker! Thanks for sharing, it’s one of those obvious things I never think of because I’m going the slow long hard way around it.

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